2 of my Lumineers are loose

2 of my Lumineers are loose and it’s not the first time. The veneers are 3 yrs old and the same 2 veneers were loose in 2014. The dentist where I got the Lumineers bonded them again and said they would hold, but now they are loose again. Is this normal? I am wondering if I should get someone to take a look at them and bond them. Thanks! Shelli

Shelli – Quality Lumineers and any other brand of porcelain veneers that are correctly bonded should not loosen. Although bonding mistakes can happen, they shouldn’t happen repeatedly.

It can be helpful to have your Lumineers examined by an experienced cosmetic dentist. He or she can determine the cause of the loosening veneers and remove, clean, and re-bond them. If a problem is found with the quality or construction of the two veneers, they may need to be replaced. You can also considering having your other veneers checked to ensure they are stable.

Ask friends or family members for recommendations for a skilled cosmetic dentist. If you don’t receive recommendations, search online for experienced cosmetic dentists in your area. You can schedule consultations with each of them and compare your treatment recommendations. We recommend cosmetic dentists because of their experience with porcelain veneers, bonding them, and achieving long-lasting, beautiful results.

There should not be a recurring problem with your Lumineers, so a second opinion is appropriate.


This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Dr. Steven Collins.