After gum disease and a denture can you have two teeth replaced as implants?

I had gum disease which has now been treated but it left my two bottom front teeth exposed so I had to have them removed. I have a partial denture in place and I feel very depressed about this. Does anybody know if there are any options for a gum graft or having implants in any way? I am only 32 and I feel like my life is over now. I wish I had of just kept the loose teeth in.

Thanks, Bradley

Dear Bradley,

Unfortunately tooth loss can occur when gum disease is severe, however all is not lost. Usually when teeth are extracted due to gum disease it is because the surrounding structures of the tooth are infected causing mobility. When the tooth structures become so infected the tooth is not savable and that infection starts to destroy the bone around the tooth next to it, therefore your dentist was helping in the prevention of more tooth loss in the future by extracting your infected teeth.

Depending on the severity of bone and tissue loss where your lower anterior teeth were extracted and the placement and health of your adjacent teeth next to your extraction sites will depend on whether or not you’re a good candidate for dental implants. If you are a good candidate some bone grafting to build up the bone in the area where the implants are to be placed may be recommended. If you are not a good candidate for dental implants you may possibly be able to have a more permanent restoration like a dental bridge placed instead of your removable partial denture to restore your smile. We recommend you consult with a dental implant dentist for an evaluation to see if you qualify for implants and to see what the best dental option would be for you.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Sherwood Dental Care.