Can dental implants get periodontal disease?

I lost my dental insurance 2 years ago and had not been back to the dentist until last month. The dental hygienist told me I have beginning stages of periodontal disease. My question is I have several dental implants and am wondering if it’s possible to get periodontal disease around them too?

Thanks, Donald

Dear Donald,

You can develop a condition called peri-implantitis around your dental implants but it’s not exactly the same condition as periodontal disease. Peri-implantitist is an infection that develops in the tissues surrounding your dental implants causing your tissue to inflame similar to gingivitis, however can progress to bone loss around the implants if not treated properly which can lead to the loss of your dental implants. We advise you to follow through with any periodontal therapy that your dentist or dental hygienist recommended in order to stop and slow down the progression of the disease. Prevention is the key, meaning maintain good oral hygiene habits and see your dental hygienist as recommended for your dental cleanings.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Sherwood Dental Care.