Medical Insurance and Dental Implants

I recently had to replace all my upper teeth with a denture. The plate is making me gag. I worried about this before getting the dentures because I knew I had a strong gag reflex. I haven’t been able to wear them and now just have no teeth on my top arch. Will medical insurance… Continue reading Medical Insurance and Dental Implants

Are CT Scans Necessary for Dental Implants?

I’ve had lots of x-rays and now my dentist wants to do some CT scans as well. Is this truly necessary for dental implants? I’m concerned it’s unnecessary and it does cost a pretty penny. Jared Dear Jared,

Dental Implants Keep Breaking

I need some advice. I had a dental implant placed. Within a week the whole thing just snapped off. The dentist said I’d have to have bone grafting done to have a new implant placed. I did. Then, when that was done, it was time to do the implant again. This time it lasted a… Continue reading Dental Implants Keep Breaking

Dental Implants for Stuntmen

I’ve had a spate of bad luck in my field. I’m a stuntman. Typically we lose a tooth or two a year. I’ve lost three over the last six months. I’m not sure why, but I need to find good replacements. Will dental implants hold up for someone like me? I’m worried I&#8217Read More