Affordable dentist ruined my tooth

One of my premolars got so infected that it made the whole left side of my face swell. I couldn’t see my regular dentist so I looked for an affordable dentist online and found one with good reviews. They got me into the office the same afternoon and the dentist told me I needed a… Continue reading Affordable dentist ruined my tooth

Can I use peroxide for teeth whitening?

The least my dentist will charge me for teeth whitening is $200. She even said I can do it on a payment plan, but right now I just cannot afford it. I was sick and out of work for 5 months and am a little behind on bills so right now. The timing is bad… Continue reading Can I use peroxide for teeth whitening?

Is this dentist really affordable or am I paying for the amenities?

I found an affordable dentist online. When I had my first appointment I was surprised that the office is so swank. I am beginning to wonder if this is going to turn out to be a rip off. How can a dentist afford all of these amenities and still be affordable? Are there fees that… Continue reading Is this dentist really affordable or am I paying for the amenities?

What’s the minimum age for teeth whitening?

I want my teeth whitened. I am 16 and I work so I have money for it. My mom told me she won’t approve this until I am 21. This is unreal to me. I am in private school and my school has 9th graders who have gotten their teeth whitened already and I have… Continue reading What’s the minimum age for teeth whitening?

Need an affordable dentist for gum disease

I have been fighting gum disease on my own for the last 4 months because I can’t afford a dentist. I don’t have a regular dentist and although I have dental insurance it basically covers only routine cleanings and an exam 2 times a year. If something more than that needs to be done I… Continue reading Need an affordable dentist for gum disease

Does affordable dentist mean poor service?

Our family doesn’t have dental insurance. My husband has been suffering with a toothache on and off for about 3 months. He needs a root canal. We want to hurry up and get this done correctly before the tooth infection spreads, but we are not in so much of a rush to take a chance… Continue reading Does affordable dentist mean poor service?

Teeth whitening or caps first?

I am beginning to wonder if the person I am seeing is really a dentist. I have read online on multiple websites that I should get my teeth whitened before I get caps. This is really important because I am getting caps for both my front middle teeth and another crown to the right of… Continue reading Teeth whitening or caps first?

Five Things You Should Know Before You Whiten Your Teeth

A brighter smile is a more beRead More

Need to replace a broken cap for my tooth as cheaply as possible

My cap broke over the weekend. This is the one that’s on the upper right side. It’s a molar tooth. I didn’t even know before it broke that it was loose or weak. I was chewing ham and I heard a crackly gritty sound which I thought might have been a piece of bone from… Continue reading Need to replace a broken cap for my tooth as cheaply as possible

Free teeth whitening smells weird, like burned tire rubber

i searched online on and off for about 3 weeks for free teeth whitening that would look like it might really work. the one i chose showed a bunch of before and after pics. also people wrote in reviews about how good this kit works. it was free bRead More