I keep biting my cheek. It’s bleeding!

Hi. For the past few months I have been repeatedly biting my cheek. I bit it very hard today at lunch and now it’s bleeding. I can tell that it will stop bleeding, but it really hurts. What are the causes of cheek biting. Should I see my dentist? C.W.


C.W. – Cheek biting has several causes. One cause is careless chewing. If you chew too fast or chew carelessly, perhaps while distracted with something else, you may bite your cheek.

Nervousness or anxiety can also cause cheek biting. If you think your cheek biting is a nervous habit, try chewing sugarless gum or eating a healthy snack. Also make the effort to reduce your anxiety.

A third cause of cheek biting is misaligned teeth or dentures. If your bite—the way your teeth fit together—is off, you can mistakenly bite your cheek.

Pay close attention to when you bite your cheek. Is it while you are eating? Or is it a habit that is separate from chewing or eating? If you are frequently biting your cheek, it won’t hurt to schedule an appointment with your dentist for an exam.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Dr. Steven Collins.