Can I get dental implants 1 at a time?

I need 4 dental implants. It’s not a need. I really want them. I can’t afford them all at once but I probably can get 1 implant a year. Can this be done or will a dentist want me to get them all done at once? Thanks Sabrena

Sabrena – In short, the answer is Yes. Many dentists work with patients to complete dental work in phases.

Dental implants are the most reliable and lifelike form of tooth replacement. So to receive them over time is better than other forms of tooth replacement.

Although you have a budget, work with a dentist who is a skilled implant surgeon—or who works with a skilled implant surgeon—to provide you with quality dental implants. Investing in quality implants will help avoid implant mistakes and help provide you with long-lasting implants and crowns.

Most implant dentists offer financing and payment plans, so spreading out your payments and planning your treatment in phases can restore your smile  just the way you want it.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Dr. Steven Collins.