My dentures are leaving sores on my gums

What is the best way to get dentures to fit properly? I have sores on my gums from the dentures rubbing. Twice my dentist tried to fix them but he really made things worse. I used sandpaper to try to trim them down and that did help a bit but not perfectly. How can I prevent them from making more sores in my mouth? Am I going to need new dentures? Thanks. Til

Til – Dentures that rub need to be adjusted in the areas where they are rubbing your gums. Although you received relief from trying to adjust the denture yourself, it is not a good idea to attempt to adjust them. You can mistakenly remove too much of the area, or make adjustments to the wrong area. Depending on how long you’ve had the dentures, it may be time to reline them or completely replace them.

If your dentist is not able to correctly adjust the dentures, you can easily find a dentist who can.  If you need new dentures, you might consider securing them with dental implants. The implants prevent the dentures from slipping around in your mouth. They also will prevent the dentures from resting on your gums and irritating them.

You will find it easier to speak and eat with implant-supported dentures. The more implants you have, the more stable your dentures will be. The implants will also prevent jawbone shrinkage and facial collapse. Depending on the age of your dentures, it may be possible to adapt them to support dental implants. The base of the denture will be made so that it can be secured onto dental implants.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Dr. Steven Collins of Sherwood Dental Care.