Will a few shots of bourbon before my dentist’s appointment help if I’m a coward?

I keep rescheduling my dentist’s appts. I am a total COWARD at the dentist. Will a few shots of bourbon before an appt. help to relax me??? – Dale

Dale – Many of people are afraid of dental appointments. You don’t have to take bourbon shots before you appointment to help you relax, though

Find a dentist who caters to fearful patients. In addition to gentle techniques and being careful not to cause you pain, a sedation dentist can give you a small amount of anti-anxiety medication to help you relax.

If your dentist doesn’t offer sedation, you can find one who does. He or she will explain your options, and administer the right level of sedation based on your anxiety and the dental procedure being performed.

This post is sponsored Baton Rouge dentist Dr. Steven Collins.