What food can I eat after dental implant surgery?

I am anticipating getting dental implants in September. I am wondering what I can expect after implant surgery in terms of eating. How soon after surgery will I be able to eat a normal meal? Also after everything is healed, are there still foods that I won’t be able to eat because I now have dental implants? If my diet will be restricted, I want to mentally adjust myself. Thanks Madeleine

Madeleine – For the first several days after dental implant surgery, your food intake will be limited. You will need to drink plenty of water during that time, but avoid drinking through a straw. The sucking or sipping action can dislodge the blood clot at the implant site, cause it bleed, and prolong the healing process.

When you are able to eat, soft food can be eaten, but it should not come in contact with the surgical site. Hot food should be avoided until the bleeding stops. You will find soft, cold foods, such as applesauce or Jell-O to be soothing. Of course sticky and crunchy foods should be avoided, because they may irritate the surgical site or get stuck in it.

Ensure that you intake enough water (avoid soda) and food each day, you will be stronger and heal faster.

Gradually you can eat harder foods and foods that require more chewing. Implants are firmly anchored in your jawbone, so when the healing process is complete, there are no food that you won’t be able to eat.

Keep your regularly scheduled checkup appointments with your implant dentist. He or she will monitor the healing process and gradually let you know which foods you can eat and which foods you should temporarily avoid.

In a few months, you will be able to resume your normal diet.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Dr. Steven Collins.