Getting Veneers White Again

My veneers seem to be picking up coffee stains. Is there a way to get them back as white and shiny as they were when I first had them done?


Dear Paul,

a single porcelain veneer being placed on a tooth

I wish I knew how long you’ve had these porcelain veneers. When well cared for they should stay stain-free for many years, sometimes upwards of twenty years. If they’re around that age, it may just be time to replace them. If they are significantly newer, then that means something has damaged them.

One thing you mentioned makes me think that they have been damaged. You said they need to be as shiny as they used to be. If they are looking matte, it is quite likely that the protective glaze on your porcelain veneers was removed.

There are a few things that can do that. Sometimes, it is something you’ve done, such as using an abrasive toothpaste. Other times, it can be something your dental hygienist did. If they’ve used a Power Prophy Jet or acidulated fluoride, it would take the glaze off. You wouldn’t realize it at first because your teeth are polished at your appointment, but within a short period of time, they would begin to pick up stains.

Teeth whitening only works on natural tooth structure, so that will not be a good option for you. If the stains are fairly new and on the surface, using Supersmile Toothpaste could help. However, you will want to get the veneers polished back up.

My suggestion is you get a second opinion by a cosmetic dentist who can look at them and tell you what has contributed to the problem. Some dentists will even do a free second opinion.

This blog is brought to you by Baton Rouge Dentist Dr. Steven Collins.