Dealing with a Broken Tooth

My husband recently fell and broke both of his front teeth. Do you know what we need to do to get this fixed? Will he need to extract them, or maybe get dental crowns? I will be honest that he is not crazy about the dentist so I’m trying to figure out what he needs… Continue reading Dealing with a Broken Tooth

Who Broke This Man’s Tooth?

I need some advice about an incident with my tooth. I have a 30+ year old crown. I was in for a checkup and my dentist said that I have decay under the crown and he will need to do a root canal treatment. I didn’t have any signs of a tooth infection. No abcess.… Continue reading Who Broke This Man’s Tooth?

Is a Tooth Infection Really Dangerous?

I have a back tooth (not the wisdom tooth) that broke a while ago. Now the area hurts and my cheek is swollen. It is also starting to hurt in my neck. Someone told me this is dangerous, but I just don’t have money for a dentist right now. Is it really that dangerous or… Continue reading Is a Tooth Infection Really Dangerous?

Can a Broken Tooth Get Infected?

I have a tooth that broke a while back. I didn’t really do anything about it and eventually, more of it broke off so it is pretty much just the stuff underneath. The hole where the tooth used to be is hurting on and off. When it does hurt it is hard for me to… Continue reading Can a Broken Tooth Get Infected?

Will My Wisdom Tooth Fall Out?

I have a lower wisdom tooth which cracked. Now part of it fell out but the rest is still there and sensitive. I’m out of work right now because of the quarantine and don’t have any discretionary money. There is a part of me hoping the rest of this tooth will just fall out. If… Continue reading Will My Wisdom Tooth Fall Out?