Allergies or Sinus Perforation?

Six months ago, I had a molar extraction. I am wondering if some problems I am having are the result of a perforated sinus or simply some allergies. Here are my symptoms:

  • Throbbing in all my top teeth
  • Sinus headaches
  • My nose feels like water went into it burning my nose
  • When I drink or eat something with a lot of liquid, some of it goes up my nose

What do you think the problem is? I am in some financial straights at the moment and am hoping for some cheap guidance.


Dear Ruby,

Woman holding her cheek in pain

Our teeth roots can be very close to our sinus cavities, so I understand why you can be frustrated in determining which is which. After six months, I would think that the any sinus perforation would be healed up. However, there is always a chance someone is slower at healing or that there is something more serious going on with the sinus perforation, such as some bone being caught in the hole.

The liquid getting up your nose could be because there is a way to get there through that back of your mouth.

I have a friend with tooth roots very close to her sinus cavity. She’d spent so much money at the dentist before I suggested to her to check her sinuses first every time, simply because she had medical insurance but not dental insurance. That is what I am going to recommend to you. See your doctor and ask him to check for a sinus infection, which can mimic tooth pain.

However, if that is impossible for you at the moment because of the financial circumstances you mentioned, there is a quick test you can do. Try this. Close your mouth and try to blow through your mouth being sure to puff out your cheeks. If you can do that and hold the air in your mouth, there is no perforation. On the other hand, if there’s a perforation, air will bubble up through your nose.

This blog is brought to you by Baton Rouge Dentist Dr. Steven Collins.
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