Invisalign and TMJ Syndrome

I am getting Invisalign to fix my malocclusion as well as my TMJ syndrome. I have severe pain in my jaw joints but am not experiencing any clicking or popping. My orthodontist told me that my TMJ problems will be solved after my bite is corrected. I am wondering if Invisalign will really take away the pain I am having in my jaw joints.

Thanks, David

Dear David,

TMJ Dysfunction may or may not be corrected with Invisalign. It depends on how severe your problem is. Yes, Invisalign will straighten your teeth however may not take away the pain you are having. It totally depends on the degree of damage that your jaw joints have received from the temporomandibular joint disorder you have been experiencing. Sometimes TMJ problems will dissipate after teeth are properly aligned but not always the case. We recommend you see a dentist that specializes in TMJ disorder before straightening your teeth. They may first advise you to correct your jaw joint alignment with a lower jaw appliance to re-position the jaw for at least for six months before correcting with Invisalign to establish normal function. After which, Invisalign can be used to realign the teeth into their correct position and be compatible with a proper functioning jaw joint. This will help correct your jaw joints and establish a healthy bite.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Sherwood Dental Care.