Pediatric dentist recommends sealants

Does a four year old really need sealants on their teeth? I took my son to a pediatric dentist and she said that he needs sealants on five teeth. Is this really necessary since he will eventually lose the teeth? – Sarah H.

Sarah – If your pediatric dentist is recommending dental sealants, it’s to protect your child’s teeth even though the teeth are not permanent. Primary teeth need to be preserved to help permanent teeth grown into the correct positions.

Sealants prevent decay and help preserve primary teeth. Your son’s dentist will paint the sealant onto his teeth. The sealant will harden and bond to the teeth to protect them from plaque and acids.

Although sealants are primary used on children, they are sometimes used on adults who have deep pits in their teeth, which are more prone to decay.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Dr. Steven Collins.