Tetracycline Stains and No Money for Porcelain Veneers

I have had tetracycline stains since childhood. I really, really want to do something about it but my dentist insists the only thing that will work is porcelain veneers. They are way over my budget. I would literally have to sell my house to afford them. Is there any other option for me?


Dear Cathy,

Tooth Bleaching Trays
Teeth Bleaching Trays

I know how frustrating it can be when there is something good you want to do but your budget just won’t allow it at the time. The good news is there is something that can help. I want you to ask your dentist to make you custom tooth bleaching trays, such as the ones pictured above, and then get the strongest teeth whitening gel that you can tolerate without developing sensitivity in your teeth. You’ll need to wear the trays overnight for months.

It won’t solve anything right away, but if you are persistent enough they will look better. This way of doing things is not for the faint of heart. You will go weeks and see hardly any change, but keep at it. Be aware they won’t have the same sparkle you’d get with porcelain veneers but it will be a dramatic improvement.

Some things NOT to do:

  1. Don’t try over-the-counter whitening products. They are not nearly strong enough for what you need. Tetracycline stains are much too challenging for them and you’d be throwing your money into the trash bin.
  2. Don’t try Zoom Whitening or Laser Whitening. While very effective teeth whitening methods, the number of times you would need to do them to get the results you likely want, would not be cost effective for you at all. In fact, you’d have to spend a small fortune, in which case you’ll be better off with porcelain veneers.

Keep at it and you’ll start to see some results.

This blog is brought to you by Baton Rouge Dentist Dr. Steven Collins.