Anesthesia makes me throw up so how will I get through a dental appt with sedation?

Not once have I received anesthesia and not thrown up after surgery. I get so sick to my stomach and it takes a day or two for it to settle. I am concerned that if I get sedation at a dentist’s appt I will be throwing up so much that the dentist can’t get anything done. Is there an alternative? Jodi

Jodi – Unlike anesthesia that is administered before surgery so that you are unconscious, sedation dentistry uses other medication—anti-anxiety medication.

When anti-anxiety medication is used, you are still conscious and aware of your surroundings. Severe nausea, which can result from anesthesia, is not common with sedation dentistry. Instead, you will be so relaxed that dental appointment can proceed and be productive.

Ask your dentist about the levels of sedation offered, the side effects, as well as which level is recommended for you, based on your level of anxiety. If your current dentist doesn’t offer sedation, find a few dentists who offer it, schedule a consultation with each of them, and get information on the forms of sedation offered and what is recommended for you.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Dr. Steven Collins.