I still need root canals after regular brushing and flossing


I was just informed by my dentist that I require two root canals. I am only 27 years old and seem to be having more and more issues with my teeth. This is frustrating because I have always brushed and flossed everyday up to three times a day.

The first root canal treatment was for my tooth that lost the white filling in it. And the second was due to a dental crown that was placed that became extremely sensitive to the temperature of food and liquids. I’m nervous that I will require more root canals because I have several old silver fillings and I also am a tooth grinder. This situation combined has resulted in the cracking of some of my teeth. I really don’t want to have to get a bridge or dental implant at this age. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

– Cindy in New Jersey


You are not alone. There are several individuals out there that take part in meticulous daily care of their teeth and still require root canal treatments. This doesn’t mean you need to be worried about loosing all your teeth or needing dental implants at this time. If a root canal treatment is done well, it can last your lifetime. And if a dental crown is done correctly it can last for decades, sometimes up to 30 or 40 years.

Individuals that have undergone a lot of dental work may develop sensitivity. And this issue can be compounded by your teeth grinding which places additional stress on them.

It is important for you to seek out quality dental care versus cheap dental care. A good deal may cause you more expenses in the long run if the work is not successful. You will want to find a dentist that is up-to-date with the latest technology and advances. For example, the DIAGNO-dent can detect hidden tooth decay early. This can help you stay on top of issues that could turn into more costly and extensive procedures later.

As far as your daily brushing and flossing regiment, brushing after every meal or snack will help prevent tooth decay. Sometimes you may not even realize how frequently snacking takes place.

Also, talk to your dentist about a night guard to help protect your teeth from night grinding, or what dentists call bruxism.

I hope this information was helpful in answering your questions.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Sherwood Dental Care.