Miserable, Yet Still Afraid of the Dentist

I am in absolute misery. I have a wisdom tooth that I broke some time ago. I know I should have had it removed then but I am terrified of dentists. Since then, it has grown decayed and I think it is infected. I am in agony. Even in my misery, I am still afraid to go to the dentist. Is there anything to relieve this pain or an antibiotic to fix the infection?


Dear Laurie,

Man grabbing his jaw in pain

I am sorry for the agony you have endured with this tooth. I am equally sorry for the fear which has kept you from getting the relief you need and deserve. Please know that you are not alone in the fear you are dealing with. The good news is I have a solution for you on both counts.

You should know that antibiotics do not help solve the problem of a tooth infection. They will hold it at bay temporarily, but the only solution is to remove the infected pulp. This is typically done one of two ways: a root canal treatment or a tooth extraction. In most cases, a root canal treatment is preferable in order to save the tooth. A wisdom tooth does not need to be saved, so you can just go ahead with an extraction.

I understand that with your fear both of those options sound like complete torture. This is why I am going to recommend you see a sedation dentist. They can give you a pill before your appointment that will completely relax you. In fact, you will be so relaxed that you can completely sleep through your appointment, if you so wish to.

The only downside to this medication is its strength. You will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment as well as stay with you for a few hours afterward until you are lucid and steady on your feet. But, you will have the offending tooth taken care of in an anxiety-free/pain-free way.

Please don’t put off treatment any further. You can finally be out of the agony you are in currently. Dental infections spread. What starts as a dental infection can spread and become life-threatening.

This blog is brought to you by Baton Rouge Dentist Dr. Steven Collins.