Can I drink alcohol the same day I get my wisdom teeth pulled?

I get my wisdom teeth pulled next Friday but I was also invited to a party that night. I  want to know if it’s okay for me to drink alcohol the same day. – DJ

DJ – There are several things that should be avoided after wisdom teeth extraction, and alcohol is one of them. Due to drowsiness and discomfort from the surgery, in addition to directions from the surgeon, you will likely find it advisable to stay home and rest the day of the surgery. A list of what should be avoided is below.

  • Drinking through a straw, because it can increase bleeding
  • Drinking through a sports bottle or any bottle that requires a sucking action
  • Chewing near the surgical site
  • Rinsing your mouth the day after surgery
  • Alcohol, regardless of what type of pain medication you are taking, because it may delay the healing process and interfere with pain medication
  • Smoking, because it may delay the healing process
  • Taking aspirin for pain relief, because it may cause the extraction site to bleed more than usual
  • Disturbing the wound by poking around it to check it

Below are some things that you should do.

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • The day after surgery, begin rinsing your mouth with warm water several times a day.
  • Take pain medication as instructed by your surgeon.
  • Drink small amounts of cola or ginger ale if you are nauseated.
  • You may be lightheaded, so when going from lying down to standing, go to a seated position first.
  • Apply ice packs for 15 minutes, with a 15 minute break afterward, for swelling
  • Contact your dentist if pain and swelling does not decrease, or if it becomes worse.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Dr. Steven Collins, an affordable dentist.