Dentist Stained My Lumineers then Damaged Them

I spent a small fortune on getting my teeth redone and was quite disappointed in the results. I did spend time telling my dentist exactly what color I wanted. He knew I wanted a white smile. All he kept telling me was to “trust him” he’ll give me a nice smile. I did trust him.… Continue reading Dentist Stained My Lumineers then Damaged Them

Which Natural Teeth Whitener is Best?

I’ve been looking up natural teeth whitening. Two get the most mentions in their effectiveness: lemons and apple cider vinegar. Which one of these is the best to use? Carlyn Dear Carlyn, It’s great that you’re double checking these before trying. Truthfully,Read More

Dentist Ruined My Lumineers

I need some help. I asked my dentist to recommend a cosmetic dentist. He said there aren’t actually cosmetic dentists, that all dentists are cosmetic dentists. That surprised me, but I took him at his word. Now I’m wondering if that was a mistake. I wanted a smile makeover. We discusRead More