Will my dental implants support my denture?


I was wondering if my existing dental implants will be strong enough to support a new denture? If not, do you know if the old implants can be removed by a different dentist than the one that originally placed them?

– Paul from North Carolina


Yes. Your denture can be placed over your existing dental implants as long as they are still solid. If you are having any kind of problems with the implants than they need to be removed. And yes a new dentist can remove the old implants if it is determined they need to come out.

In order to successfully use the implants you already have in place, the dentist will likely want to do a CT scan. This will ensure that they are adequately placed into your jawbone and not in danger of rupturing your sinuses. When a denture is supported with implants, it is called an overdenture. There may be some limitations when placing the overdenture and still using your existing implants. But if they are solid, then the new dentist should be able to construct your overdenture without having them removed and getting new implants.

I hope that helped to answer your question.

This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge dentist Sherwood Dental Care.