Swelling After Tooth Extraction

I had a tooth extraction on an infected lower left molar. I thought taking the tooth out would relieve all the pain. There was swelling before the extraction. He prescribed me amoxicillin because the infection was pretty substantial. However, after three days, the swelling has hardened and not evRead More

Root Canal Failure

I am in massive pain after two root canal treatments. The first one took place about three years ago. Then it started hurting again a bit over a week ago. I went back and he did another x-ray and discovered a new infection flare-up. He did a second root canal treatment and gave me penicillin.… Continue reading Root Canal Failure

Discount Dentist Disaster

I needed a dental crown but didn’t have the money. I decided to put it off for a bit. Then I saw an online advertisement. A dentist was offering a huge discount on dental crowns. He just received a machine which would allow him to create the crowns right there in his office and he… Continue reading Discount Dentist Disaster

Serious Problem and Can’t Afford Dentist

I woke up today with my gum swollen and in massive pain. I haven’t been to the dentist in a while because of the cost. I’m pretty sure something serious is going on but don’t know how to afford the dentist. Is there some service for situations like this? Vera Dear Read More

Will Dental Sedation be Safer in 2019?

I’m scheduled to have a procedure which I only think I could do with dental sedation. Today, I heard a news blurb that said sedation will be safer in 2019 because of the change in laws. Now I’m wondering if I should wait to have my procedure done until it’s safer. I don’t Read More

The Scoop of Charcoal Teeth Whitening

I keep hearing about whitening your teeth with charcoal. Is this a legitimate thing? Marcus G. Dear Marcus, First, let me say I’m glad you checked before just trying this. There have always been fads in DIY teeth whitening procedures. A few years ago it was lemons. WhaRead More